As the name suggests, this 3D scanning software was designed for drones. It is great for quick and easy 3D scanning. There are more advanced options available, especially to improve quality. Colmap allows for the production of 3D mesh from one camera or from a set up of cameras. With Bentley ContextCapture you can even produce 3D animations and fly-throughs. This software is popular for construction projects, it can create highly detailed street views This software can be with aerial photogrammetry and laser scanning in order to achieve the best 3D models. It will give you a lot of advanced tools to organize and edit the 3D models. This is a very powerful professional photogrammetry softwarecapable of producing whole infrastructure landscapes. With this 3D scanning software, you will be able to achieve high-quality models, which can be edited thanks to specialized tools. It can be used for aerial scans and close-range. It uses photos, but can also apply laser scans to produce 3D models. Autodesk ReCap stands for Reality Capture. 3D Systems Sense for RealSense Software Review - 3D Scan ExpertĪn interesting feature of Agisoft Metashape is that the user can make 4D models as the software allows to save whole scenes as editable 3D objects.Enhanced Innovation with Reverse Engineering.